Internet News And Online Advertising World Report
Google News stories daily of new Internet Marketing and Online Advertising empowering tools for the world. And for FREE.
Google Analytics
First off is the new Google Analytics program for anyone that has a website to use. This is a top of the line Professional program. Check out more information at: Analytics And Google Base - Sales & Marketing Home Runs
Google Base
Then Google came out with Google Base. This too is free for everyone to use. What an empowering online application that can place buyers in touch with sellers for both businesses as well as consumers. This covers B2B, B2C, and C2C. Amazing. Read more about Google Analytics and Google Base http://pwebs.net/2005/11/ analytics-and-google-base-sales.html
Software Gem
Next up is a software gem discovery for plagiarism detection and online copyright infringement detection. This is a powerful program that can be used manually for free or subscribe to a monthly service to verify and automatically email you if someone copies your online works. Copyscape Copyrights
Copyright infringement and plagiarism have become a greater problem since the Internet came upon the scene. Word processing software and computer programs have made it extremely easy to copy and paste information from one source to another. It is very important, especially when it comes to original written content to verify if anyone else is copying the information. There are online procedures in effect under The Digital Millennium Copyright Act when detecting plagiarism or encountering copyright infringement. If the crime is serious enough, Legal action can also be implemented. Talk to an attorney in San Francisco that recently was suing another lawyer that copied substantial information from his website. Also see Copyright Professional Web Services
Additionally banners can be placed on the website to show that plagiarism will be detected by Copyscape.

Apparently the way this software works is through an API with Google to be able to detect copied information. See: www.copyscape.com
Funny Domain Name Story
This story is stranger than fiction. Read about a guy attempting to get into the Guinness Book Of World Records by attempting to sell The Record Breaking Domain Dot Com www.therecordbreakingdomain.com for $7,500,001.00. This Domain Name is a true story. Read the rest of the story at therecordbreakingdomain.blogspot.com
Long before the Internet was born we had businesses selling to other businesses and consumers. But it was the Internet that really put B2B And B2C on the map. For that matter, it also built the C2C landscape.See the historical perspective on the establishment of B2B, B2C, and C2C. Read more about how the majority of home buyers start their home buying process prior to ever stepping into a home. http://difference-between-b2b-b2c.blogspot.com/2005/10/ internet-made-b2b-b2c-and-c2c.html
Corporate Marketing With Blogs
Can it be that the online journals are becoming more of a business marketing tool for corporate America?
People still ask today, "What is a blog?"
This business tool is right for you. No other way can you reach your target marketing audience so precisely than with a corporate blog. Find out more today http://b2b-and-b2c-marketing-strategies.blogspot.com/2005/10/ corporate-marketing-with-blogs.html
Some Content Providers Generate Spam
Certain Online Content Providers Seem to Generate More Spam From Their Websites Than Others. Take a look at who and why at http://unsolicited-b2b-and-b2c-emails.blogspot.com/2005/11/ some-content-providers-generate-spam.html
Internet Ethics, Blogs, Google, Yahoo!, MSN, And You
Notes and issues we have covered. Developing a successful blog for your business. What needs to be covered are the responsibilities of ethical news reporting.
Internet Search Engine Bombing Spam
The Internet is a media realm where reporting a story online about competition, businesses, or personal accounts that is not backed up by facts can be nothing more than rumor mill search engine bombing. Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Search all pick up the stories with their news searches and then others read and spread the rumor. Consequences of not following the proper reporting guidelines can have libel and legal implications even for the blogger. Read More: http://blog.pwebs.net/2005/10/ internet-ethics-blogs-google-yahoo-msn.html
Internet Marketing Solutions Website Branding Services Online Advertising Strategies
Read how you can use a blog to advertise and market a product online. See how to customize it to suit your internet marketing and online advertising needs. Create just the right landing page design for your market place industry. Make the most out of the online tools available to your business. Take a look at http://prowebservices.blogspot.com
Creative Internet Marketing And Online Advertising
See how an Online Blog can also be used to run small businesses on the Internet
Designs By Rose
Lovingly Made By An Experienced Needles And Crafts Fabric Design Artist Quality, Integrity, Experience, Ingenuity, Love; Rose's passion for sewing is rooted by these high standards. They are the same roots Rose and her husband Andrew established for their family many years ago. Over time, her craft has taken wing into a lifelong labor of love.http://designsbyrose.blogspot.com
Contact the acclaimed Fabric Designer Artist
TComino Designs Interior Design
TComino Designs Interiors For You
Is there anyone you know who is afraid of the "D" word? You know -"designer?" To some, that word invokes frightful visions of a strong-willed designer spending oodles of her clients' hard earned cash. To my clients, the word "designer" means "trusted advisor." http://tcominodesigns.blogspot.com
Both of the above examples show how sole proprietors can set up a business online using blogging software, Google Base and Analytics, and of course some old fashion Creative Internet Marketing And Online Advertising elbow grease.
Privacy And Online Security On The Internet
For those of you that do not know me, one of the things that I value more than anything else is online privacy and security.
I have written many business articles about online privacy issues and content provider concerns. I would be the first to say if a service is, or has a policy of sharing of information on the Internet with others.
Many privacy policies are extremely vague and in fact should be labeled something else other than a privacy policy.
Good Privacy Policy
There is one service that I have come to trust with my emails and information online. That service is the Google Gmail Service
See how this online service has earned my trust and respect at http://emailtalk.blogspot.com/2005/11/ privacy-on-internet.html
Blogging With Flock
I'll never forget the first time I used a browser for web navigation. It was called Mosaic and was originally loaded on my Mac PowerPC 6100 computer. Wow have Internet times changed!
Out of that came the Netscape Mozilla Browser and Internet Explorer, with others following. Now comes a brand new start-up with the attempt to turn the world upside down as far as web browsing is concerned. Read about this new Internet Browser at http://computertechster.blogspot.com/2005/10/ flock-blogging.html
New Battery Powered Vehicles
MY, how have we progressed since the horse and buggy days.
New Battery Powered VehiclesIn the early days of self propelled vehicles they ran on steam. Now we have a whole new generation of self propelled vehicles using battery technology and super efficient high powered motors. A number of these electric scooter vehicles are starting to be used at large warehouses and even at car racing events for pit crews to use from one end of Pit alley to the other. See more on this story at http://computertechster.blogspot.com/2005/11/ battery-powered-vehicles.html
Expand Market Reach Online

Succesfully expand your sales and market reach. Develop new market segments by utilizing Internet Marketing, Search marketing, And web branding strategies and solutions from Professional Web Services, Inc. and PPC Online Advertising such as Google AdWords.Your Web Site
"With 98 percent of engineers using the Internet for work and over 90 percent using it to research technical products, your company’s Web site is one of your most significant marketing vehicles for reaching your target audience."
http://www.globalspec.com/memberlink/ Your_Web_Site.pdf
Learn all that your website can be.
The Perfect Marketing And Advertising Salesperson
http://blog.pwebs.net/2005/11/ expand-market-reach-online.html
James A. Warholic
Professional Web Services, Inc.

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Creative Internet Marketing

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4:15 PM
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