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Professional Web Services

Email Marketing Strategies

When sending an email using some of the automated online email marketing services and the built-in templates, considerations must be addressed when sending graphic images, JavaScript, or other included attachments.

Email marketing is not exactly like website marketing, as it pertains to the layouts. While hyperlinks and some graphics can be included in the emails; one has to consider that many individuals simply do not allow graphics to be displayed in their inbox or while reading the emails. If an email includes graphic images embedded into the email itself, then many spam detection programs will flag an email as possibly containing a threat to the users system. Often times, the graphic sent will be considered as an attachment and this will trigger the filters at both the readers end and with the automatic programs at the hosting providers and Internet Service Providers to red flag it.

Images that are hosted externally, and not sent in the email can help alleviate the problems, but still the user can select not to display the images.

What looks good in a html template may effectively get stripped of certain html formatting when received at the email clients. AOL, Gmail, Hot Mail, Yahoo Mail, and others handle the html formatting a little bit differently. Also, if emails are read online vs. reading them in an email program such as Eudora, Outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, and others, can render each email completely differently.

Because we live in a constant battle online with the online spammers, the email filters have gotten progressively tighter in what they look for to indicate spam or spyware. Many times a small graphic is used as a kind of homing beacon in emails to track readers. These small graphics are as small as 1px x 1px in size. A person can not see them in their email. That is why many of the better programs for reading emails will let you decide if you want to trust a source or not. If you trust a source then you can allow graphics to be displayed for those emails.

Many times there will be other forms of tracking, while not being unethical, will set a red flag so-to-speak, for the email filters. These can be a long string of alpha numbers after the url. If these are used excessively throughout the email then it could get flagged as spam. It is necessary, and typical many times, to have included in the email, specific urls for unsubscribing or updating of records. This in itself will not usually be enough to trip the filters.

If you have a trusted source for emails, newsletters, or email alerts on a regular basis, it is wise to add the email address to your list of contacts. On the other hand, if you constantly get spam into your inbox, it might be wise to check and remove bad contacts from your contacts list. Many programs automatically place contacts into the contacts file when emails are received. Checking the settings of your particular program and verifying that contacts are not automatically placed into the contacts file is probably a safer way of operating online.

Email marketing does have its good points, in that it keeps you in contact with your customers. There are other ways of staying in touch with customers by using a hybrid form of email marketing and using blog marketing at the same time. For example, this newsletter is written in the form of a blog. Each posting has its own permanent web address. Readers can subscribe to this blog in the form of a RSS feed or an email. By having both features available you can pack a double Internet marketing punch. Not only is this a newsletter, but by having permanent links, the search engines can find the postings and place them into the search engine results pages. Plus, in the future when needing to reference to past articles it is easy to find them online.

Professional Web Services provides professional Internet marketing services, ethical SEO, search engine optimization, professional blog marketing services, online advertising strategies, and web branding solutions. Contact us today for your B2B and B2C Internet marketing solution.

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posted by James A. Warholic at 10:23 PM


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    Do it with Internet marketing style! Any person that has known me long enough will find out that I usually get straight to the sales and marketing point. Invest your time wisely. Make a difference in the world. Each individual has something special to share that can impact the world around them. Maybe your sphere of influence is one person, maybe it is your family, business, neighborhood, or a larger group of people. But, no matter how large or small a group of people that you come in contact with, a person can effect change for the good in life. We can start today with a simple business investment, with a professional word of encouragement, a "thank you", or just a kind look that really shows that you understand and appreciate another person.

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