Domain Owners are Shanghai'd by China

Chinese Company Wants to Register our Domain Name
The US business owners are now being targeted with a very unethical form of domain name registration. This threat goes to the very core of a business's identity and involves threats to the online brand identities of companies being targeted. I suspect we will see more of this for every business on the Web.
Make sure you are aware of this and let others know what is going on.
If you do business in China, and wish to have a domain name registered with the .CN at the end of your name, any reputable Domain Registrar will register a domain name for you.
The Chinese are pulling a fast one. They are coming out with a sly story that tells a business that someone has registered a domain name with their company brand, trademark, or incorporated name with the .CN domain. For example, if a company had the domain name thisismytrademark.com, the other Chinese domain name would be thisismytrademark.cn or thisismytrademark.com.cn both of which have the Chinese .cn afterwards for the domain.

Don't fall for it, but from a brand standpoint don't be asleep either. You need to constantly be vigilant and aggressively protect your business brand name online. So, before you believe the song and dance junk story from China, I suggest you read the following article for details about the .CN Chinese Domain Name Scams From China.
Read about protecting your Internet Domains and Intellectual Property, IP rights in China and around the world.
Be Careful with your Brand. Imagine if you saw your company name in the search engines with someone else from China using it on the Internet. What would you do?
Branding Matters
Labels: Branding, Business, Business Warnings, Domain_Names, Internet
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posted by James A. Warholic at
7:40 AM
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