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Professional Web Services

Marketing and Advertising for Today

Advertising Message or Sales Conversion Problem?

So now you are advertising your business, and are bringing in people but hardly any of them are becoming customers. What's the problem? Is it the advertising message, the targeted audience, or the sales conversion process?

Read the story at: My Advertising Spot
Advertising Pros

Getting Leads Almost Immediately

There is an advertising solution for your business that can start generating leads and sales almost immediately. The solution is to use Pay-per-click, PPC advertising. This form of advertising can be highly selective, and you only have to pay for the budget that you set forth.

Online Advertising

Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft Search all have similar forms of online advertising programs that can be targeted to select groups of individuals based on various criteria.

Read the complete story at: My Advertising Spot.

Advertising Wink
Important to Consider Ethics in Online Advertising

Ethics, honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness in advertisements are a factor to driving sales, maintaining customer trust, and building brand loyalty. What is depicted in an Internet ad can help a brand, or if you are not careful, it can just as easily hurt a brand image. Sure, there might be short term gains in using unethical advertising techniques which distort or are blatantly misleading, but in the long run not following good ad ethics, a customer will remember, and if you are not the only game in town you may find yourself in another ballpark. So, do the right thing and follow good ethics in advertising and marketing.

Three Questions to Answer BEFORE You Spend One Cent on Advertising

1. Who is your target audience?
2. What does your target audience read, listen to, or watch?
3. What is your compelling benefit?

Read the rest of the story of why targeted advertising is the key to success at My Advertising Spot today.

Search Engine Exposure

NBC Deal or No Deal
Picture Courtesy of NBC - Deal or No Deal
Visit Sales and Marketing Today.
Is Your Website Exposed Online In The Search Engines?

From the standpoint of Internet marketing and online advertising, having a website with good Internet exposure is one of the key factors on being discovered for your keywords. If your company is not a household or well known Internet brand, or you wish to improve company brand recognition online, then this search advertising subject is for your business.

Online advertising comes in many shapes and sizes. In fact, one size does not fit all. Depending on the industry and whether a business is primarily B2B, Business to business or B2C, Business to consumer, will have a determining affect on how the majority of your advertising dollars are spent.

Every business has some sort of advertising budget..... Read more about search engine exposure at My Advertising Spot today.

Internet The Final Frontier

The Internet really is the final frontier.

Internet Final Frontier AdThe future of advertising has changed drastically with the addition of the Internet as a media outlet. This has had a profound affect on all other forms of advertising; from radio, television, newspapers, technical trade journals, direct marketing advertising, and even catalogs and sponsors.

Companies can have the power to make a difference in the world around them. Combining a dedication to hard work, excellence, and a never give up attitude for any company today; while taking advantage of the powerful Web 2.0 online tools can help propel a business in the 21st century.

Propel your company across the Internet final frontier with Internet marketing by Professional Web Services today.

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posted by James A. Warholic at 5:52 PM


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    Ethical SEO - Search Engine Optimization of websites will be key to having a good relationship with the Search Engines themselves now and especially in the future. No business would ever want to get their site banned from the entire search engine database. Additionally there are other important legal and regulatory issues on a B2C or B2B website to consider.

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    Message From Jim Warholic

    Do it with Internet marketing style! Any person that has known me long enough will find out that I usually get straight to the sales and marketing point. Invest your time wisely. Make a difference in the world. Each individual has something special to share that can impact the world around them. Maybe your sphere of influence is one person, maybe it is your family, business, neighborhood, or a larger group of people. But, no matter how large or small a group of people that you come in contact with, a person can effect change for the good in life. We can start today with a simple business investment, with a professional word of encouragement, a "thank you", or just a kind look that really shows that you understand and appreciate another person.

    Jim Warholic